Travel 2014: A Day in Nueva Ecija


I started February with a getaway up North. I have an officemate from Nueva Ecija and he invited us to spend a day in his hometown.

Road trip + Fun Company = Epic Day! :)


The Roadtrip

Our destination: Dupinga River, Gabaldon, Nueva Ecija
Travel Time: 3-4 hours (from Manila)

Honestly, I was asleep half of our trip. (You can't blame me! I just got off from work. Hehe.) When I woke up, we are already in the town proper of Nueva Ecija. From there, it took us 1.5-2 hours to reach Gabaldon.

Gabaldon is the easternmost municipality of Nueva Ecija. It is in the foot of the Sierra Madre Mountains.

The zigzag road going to Gabaldon. You will not get bored despite the long travel because of the wonderful scenery --- the surrounding trees and the Sierra Madre Mountains.

The River

Dupinga River is one of the famous rivers in Nueva Ecija especially during summer. The water comes straight from the mountains of Sierra Madre that's why it is cold and refreshing.

Here are some cottages that can be rented by tourists.
A proof that the water is ice cold: We chilled our drinks in the river!
Bucketlist Check: My first cliff jump! I never thought I have the courage to jump off a cliff. Yes to #YOLO!! :)

The Aftermath

After our swim in the river, we went straight to a place they call Tanawan. It is a view site offering food and drinks.

Overlooking Nueva Ecija. I hope I have a better camera that can capture the beauty of the night!

Our group enjoying Mami and beer. A perfect pair!

It was a day filled with adventure, laughter and sumptuous food! :)

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  1. How cool to jump off cliff amazing pictures it show how much fun you had.

  2. lovely photos!!if u like to follow each other just lemme know on my blog and i´ll follow u right back!

  3. These photos are just lovely and look like so much fun! I’d love for us to keep in touch via bloglovin’, GFC, or Instagram! Let me know on my blog, I’ll be sure to follow back!

    s a r t o r i a l d i n e r
    Instagram @ sartorialdiner

  4. Lovely pics, it's always a nice moment when I see travel photos because they show memories which will never fade :) I really like your blog, how about following each other via GFC/Bloglovin'/Instagram/FB page? I would love to :) just let me know on my blog and I'll make sure to follow back asap! Have a nice day babe xx
    Red Velvet | Bloglovin' | Instagram | Facebook Page


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